Unscripted and filmed under strict documentary conditions, this real-life social experiment in which two complete strangers, divided by their beliefs, meet for the first time, touched a nerve with audiences worldwide. With over 18 million views in less than two weeks, the film sparked a global conversation, with extensive media coverage everywhere from the Washington Post, Good Morning America, to Time and The Guardian.
Many, including Fast Company called the advert “the antidote to the Pepsi Kendall Jenner ad”, whilst The Guardian said the film “tackles how to talk to your political opposite”. Hundreds of thousands of people commented on the campaign on social media, with notable tweets coming from the likes of comedian and actress Sarah Silverman, who praised the “brilliant” film. It has gone on to be viewed over 35 million times, across 150 countries.
You can read more about the making of the film in this interview with Toby Dye in the Huffington Post – huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/behind-the-scenes-of-filming-a-revolutionary-social-experiment_uk_59255f5ee4b0650cc020499c