Monday, 13 May 2024
High Noon

High Noon


In February, the magazine Focus Business commissioned me to photograph the internationally active headhunter Thomas Deininger. With 14 offices in London, L.A., Singapore, Beijing and Mumbai, among others, Thomas Deininger travels a lot. For a 6-page report we had only 1h time with him.

So the preparation was important. Since I was already in Frankfurt one week before because of a job for Allianz Global Investors, I took the opportunity and looked at the location around the office of Deininger Consulting. The nearby Marriott Hotel was an additional location. In addition I clarified with the hotel place and time for a shooting.

The shooting in detail was as follows:

09:00 Setup together with my assistant at Deininger in a conference room
and parallel setup at the Marriott Hotel.

11:24 until 11:26 a.m.
2 min Shooting Motif 1 in the conference room

Change to Marriott Hotel

11:35 until 11:42 a.m.
7 min shooting Motif 2 in the hotel

Change ot the underground car park

11:52 until 12:01
9 min Shooting Motif 3 in the car

12:10 until 12:20
10 min shooting in the foyer and at the window

Afterwards we photographed mood pictures, close-ups, employees without Mr. Deininger and moods at Lufthansa’s First Class Terminal.

In less than 1 hour we could tell a whole story. Because all CEOs have two things in common: They usually don’t want to be photographed and they all have little time.

What image would you like to convey to the public?

About the Author

David Maupilé

David Maupilé Politicians, dock workers, actors or CEOs in front of my camera are all the same. I basically meet everyone with deep respect and true interest. Exciting people, beautiful places and good light are the ingredients for a good image. My ability to achieve an excellent result even under the most adverse circumstances is what distinguishes me. I seem to succeed again and again in taking people's natural shyness in front of the camera, to let them be completely natural in their gestures and to show themselves despite their insecurity. Good preparation, my experience but also spontaneity and flexibility help me. I can think in single frames, but I can also tell stories. For me, photography is the key to the most diverse worlds. I can move well in many worlds and feel at home in them.