Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Everyone’s Got A Way For Staying Healthy


This campaign is about people and their personal life stories. The special thing was that my protagonists are very old people with a lot of life experience. The challenge was to work out a kind of quintessence of their life from so many years alive. This working process, a meandering through memories and mental jumps without a prescribed script, touched me deeply. The openness and honesty with which they told me about their lives impressed me very much.

How do you and your business stay healthy and lively?

About the Author

Isa Prahl

Isa Prahl I was born and grew up in Münster and took to one’s heels right after graduating from high school. Berlin, Hamburg, Milan, Siegen were my stops. I washed across the Rhine and ran aground in Cologne. I studied a lot - graphic design, literature, culture and media and finally film - and I was always interested in one thing: storytelling. I am always surprised how much there is to discover. My curiosity keeps me awake. They are little things, behind which whole worlds and great stories are hidden. This is my passion, content is king my credo. When I'm not making movies, I travel the world.