The idea for “Menschen, Maschinen und Ideen” came from direct contact with the people at Koenig & Bauer – and that’s always a good sign. We have always discussed printing machines in great detail at our meetings. On the one hand, everyone knows the products (media, packaging, money). On the other hand, however, printing machines…
Finca La Puebla – The People Who Make Our Coffee
The best thing about our job is also travelling. And learning on every journey, every job somehow expands your own horizons. I was never a big coffee drinker. Now I even know a lot about him. It hangs from the bush as a cherry and is picked by hand at Finca La Puebla. The locals…
100 Days Of Dark
Webby Awards – Shortlist
Webby Awards – Shortlist
A truly dark campaign, revolving around three drivers on the Island of Svalbard, just below the North Pole. The film shows just how dark and tough life can be in the Arctic Circle during the long Polar Night. For over 100 days straight they live and work in total darkness, at temperatures that regularly dip…