Sunday, 9 March 2025


In unserer Podcast-Folge mit den Gründern von COGNIGY Conversational AI geht es um Pizza mit Schinken, Pizza mit Besteck, Samantha und das Lachen an den richtigen Stellen, Skynet und meinen Kindheitstraum. Hört, was Conversational AI heute schon leisten kann.

About the Author

Dominik Meis

Dominik Meis I was born in Münster, grew up to some degree in Hamburg and gained experience all over the world, among other things with honest work. Even though I always liked Hamburg best to stay, my profession allowed me to get to know different cultures, countries and their people on all continents. I think both are always right. If we listen to each other, are honest and put people at the centre of our interests, we can only learn and benefit from each other. I have also sharpened my senses by watching and producing thousands of films. If I want, I can hear quite well, especially electronic music. Those who have not yet seen "Birth", "Heaven" and "Harold and Maude" and have not yet heard "Consumed" should do so urgently. One of my absolute favorite brands is Udo Lindenberg. From his straightforwardness, openness, honesty, strength and statement not only many people can take a big slice.