Home » The Heavy Metal Watchmaker
The Heavy Metal Watchmaker
Dan Spitz, who played lead guitar for the metal band Anthrax, left the group in the ’90s to pursue an unexpected path: master watchmaking. Now, he’s one of the top watchmakers in the world, but can still shred a guitar like it’s 1983.
Does your company have the courage to make fundamental changes? 
About the Author
Alexander Hotz
Hey there. I'm Alexander Hotz.
I'm a journalist and filmmaker. I cover politics, the environment, and technology, but I'm mostly interested in people and their stories.
My work has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, UPI, NPR, Global Post, Huck, Mashable, The Daily News, The Guardian, Fusion, Univision, This American Life and others. I've also produced commercials or sponsored content for clients like Singha Beer, Jimmy Choo, Microsoft, Vespa and Hendricks Gin.