Sunday, 9 March 2025



“The second leading cause of death among under-25s is suicide.”

That’s a fact!

A fact that moves me very much.

If our joint project helps or encourages even a single young person, I would be very happy.
The cooperation on this project, with all involved, was great and characterized by a lot of helpfulness!

Co-director: Nadine Schrader

About the Author

Sven Schrader

Sven Schrader I love the jobs where the client trusts you .. where they don't talk you in and control you all the time. From my experience that’s how the best films are made. There are also the assignments where you end up wondering: why did you book me? You do everything differently than I suggest to you anyway .. This is sometimes sobering and is much less fun because in the end nothing of the actual idea or my own visual language remains.